The mission of the Bendle High School Counseling Department is to create an environment that motivates students to become future-focused and develop a plan beyond high school through building counselor/student relationships that review interests, skills, and potential. Each student’s Educational Development Plan will assist them to create a career-focused action plan that will be re-evaluated annually. We aim to use the career and future focused action plan to motivate students to achieve a high academic standard, improve attendance, and create a positive learning environment.
Bendle High School Counseling Services
- Academic counseling
- Personal counseling
- Career counseling
- College applications and processing
- Scholarship applications
- Scholarship searches
- PSAT information
- ACT/SAT information and registration packets
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- NCAA Clearinghouse registration
- Dual Enrollment
- Scheduling
- GCI (Genesee Career Institute – formerly known as Genesee Area Skill Center)
- GenNET
- Recommendation letters
- College representative visitations to Bendle High School