School Mission

Mission Statement

Bendle High School will provide opportunities that will empower each student to achieve his/her potential in a healthy, safe, and technologically-rich environment.

Vision Statement

Bendle High School will become a dynamic learning community that supports critical thinkers. The academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of its learners will be met in a collaborative community that develops curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment. All students will become lifelong learners that are a benefit to society.

Belief Statements

1. We believe that students will be lifelong learners.

2. We believe that all students will achieve employable literacy.

3. We believe that all students must have the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.

4. We believe standards which promote perseverance and integrity, are necessary.

5. We believe that students will be responsible for their actions.

6. We believe that students should have an active role in the learning process, as well as in setting goals for lifelong learning.

7. We believe that it is essential to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students.

8. We believe that each person has intrinsic worth and therefore, must be accepted and treated with dignity.

9. We believe that schools should maintain a balance between having an appreciation of the past, and preparing for future challenges.

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